Ep 59 - Postpartum Depression from a Male Perspective with Steven D'Achille - Part 2


We continue our conversation with Steven D’Achille of the Alexis Joy Foundation.

We do want to let you know that upfront that part of this story is difficult to hear... it does have a tragic ending with his wife Alexis dying by suicide. 

But there is also hope in the story. Beauty has formed out of the ashes, and through the Alexis Joy Foundation, many women’s lives have been saved and positively impacted. 

It’s also appropriate that this episode comes out during National Suicide Prevention Week. It’s such an important topic to talk through and resources are available for you or anyone you know struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Please check out the work of the Alexis Joy Foundation and share this episode and information to your friends and family.


From the moment Adriana arrived, Alexis seemed stressed. Once home, she felt out of control, with anxiety beyond the “normal” new mom worries. Though she sought help, she was not able to get the relief she needed from what was now obviously postpartum depression.

Clearly not seeing any other way out, she took her own life on October 10th, 2013, just 6 weeks after Adriana’s birth.

The way Alexis died was not the way she lived. She had a doting husband, a beautiful daughter, gorgeous home, great family and friends, and a fulfilling career – everything a girl could hope for. That’s why her passing was so tragic and unexpected. If she could feel that lost and alone, any woman can.

In the weeks after, Steven decided he would make it his mission to do what he could to stop something like this from happening again…To create a legacy for Adriana to carry on in her mother’s name.


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Ep 60 - The Innovation Stack with Square Co-Founder Jim McKelvey


Ep 58 - Postpartum Depression from a Male Perspective with Steven D'Achille