Ep 64 - The Emotions of Money with AJ Bishop


Money is emotional! Spenders, Savers, Planners... we each take a different approach to money. Money can define our self worth. If we're struggling financially, it can dominate our thoughts in other areas of life. Even when we have enough, it's easy to let our internal voices question "what is enough?"

AJ Bishop joins us today to talk through our emotions around money and what she calls "wealth consciousness." AJ is the Founder of My Wealth Conscious Coach and spent over 15 years as an executive in the wealth management industry with JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and MUFG Union Bank. She is passionate about helping women across the globe transform their financial lives and command their true WORTH in the workplace and the world.


AJ Bishop is a real talk financial leader, entrepreneur, stepmom and yoga teacher. A compelling and engaging communicator on the topics of wealth consciousness and money empowerment, AJ works with women-owned businesses and high-profile clients across the country, helping them develop mindful strategies that increase their financial confidence, protect their wealth and secure their financial legacies. She has been described as a “modern day Suze Orman meets Oprah”.

She is dedicated to building a trusted, long-term relationship with her clients; helping them to achieve transformation through feminine leadership, financial education and deep community.



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