Is It Just Me Or Have We All Been Asking Ourselves “Who Am I?”


Raise your hand if you are someone who also geeks out over personality tests like David and I? I don’t know if it’s the psychologist in me or the fact that I took my first personality test (the Enneagram) in middle school as a “family building exercise,” but regardless I admittedly love them. Not every test has resonated over the years, but I have still gotten a golden nugget of personal and relational insight from every test I have ever taken. A few have stuck with me more than others and they are still infused into the way I understand myself, relate with others, and tap into empathy when it seems I have none to give. There is just something magical about being able to put words to who you are and who you relate with that draws me in. It ignites my never-ending thirst for deeper connection and understanding while simultaneously giving me a language to relate further.


Raise Your Hand If You Don’t Agree With Everyone! Read If You’ve Ever Disagreed With Someone…


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