How The Principles Of Yoga Can Restore The Family Unit


Unfortunately, you are likely to not be surprised by the fact that aggression has increased across the globe. Some studies have shown that IPV (intimate partner violence) rose a in the last year as a result of COVID while the use domestic-violence hotlines decreased by 50%... So what does this mean? It can be assumed that many of the victims of abuse were likely unable to find opportunity to connect with resources due to the change in our circumstances. 

This alarming fact made David and I realize it was a conversation we had to bring into The Third Place. We feel fortunate to have crossed paths with Dee Marie, this week’s guest, who joined the show to not only talk about the increase in violence and and aggression we have all experienced over the last year, whether we witnessed it in the media or experienced it first hand, and how the principles of yoga can be used to understand where it could be coming from in an elemental and ayurvedic perspective. Not just that, but she emphasized one really powerful takeaway… If the antidote to aggression is peace, then how do we access that amidst all of these triggers? Well, it can be as simple as finding a common ground with those that you share your home with, or who you consider your family unit, your pod. Activities like playing a game together or trying a new virtual activity can pack a peaceful punch. The simplicity of this act was exactly what we were hoping to seek, amidst some bigger truths around how everything is an act of yoga and how we can tap into this understanding on a daily basis, in order to serve ourselves and others. 

So while we must first acknowledge that there has likely been more internal and external conflict over the last year for all of us, now is the time to heal and to seek out opportunities for peace. 

What is one thing you have done this last week that felt peace-giving to yourself and your unit?


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