Ep 63 - Social Media and its influence in Marketing with Gabby Blitz Rosen


Little did we know that when we recorded this in the early summer, Facebook would be in the news and congress about users safety vs company profits, and with a huge outage earlier this week!

Gabby gives us such great insight to social media, how it’s used in marketing, and helps us navigate both the good and the bad of this crazy digital world. Gabby, welcome to The Third Place.


Gabby is the founder and CEO of Townhouse Digital, an editorial house for social media and digital marketing. They've worked with brands ranging from Kid & Coe, Indagare, Trestique Beauty, W magazine, and Artfully Walls to groups like Afterpay USA, Mandarin Oriental, TripAdvisor, and Hyatt.

She hails from Beautiful Destinations where she was the Chief Digital Officer and Travel + Leisure Magazine, where she was the Social Media Editor.

She's also an adjunct professor at Columbia University, where she teaches social media for the publishing industry.



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Ep 64 - The Emotions of Money with AJ Bishop


Ep 62 - Suicide and Gun Control - Part 2 with Scott Smith